
Lucifer and Yahweh - The Struggle of Freewill

In this story, the truth about God and the devil is revealed.  

‘God’ in this story is the Christian god Yahweh.  He deceives.  His goal is to remove humanity's free will through fear.  He has no choice in the matter though, no free will, because his nature is fear.  Also, freewill leaves us open to irrational terror.   

Lucifer created something new in an experiment.  Lucifer is “the fallen angel” in the sense that he created something outside nature - freewill.  All other places in the universe, and all animals on Earth, don’t have freewill.   If the experiment works it means that humanity will can become greater than the angels, Lucifer, or Yahweh.  The reason being is that we are not ‘forced’ to love, but that we choose to.  

All humanity must do is retain their free will and exercises love.  

What Yahweh has created has to enslave man, such as religion.  Anything that takes away our choices is an agent of Yahweh.  Anything beautiful that man creates or does for himself can become twisted and corrupted by Yahweh, but only if it stands outside man.  We can’t look outside ourselves to find what we need; we must look inside for that will be true.  

Like all other beings, people have reincarnation.  But what is unique to humans is Karma.  If you have no choice then you have no karma.  Humans have a choice, hints karma, which is the price we pay for having control over our destiny.  Yahweh tricks people into making bad choices so they accumulate bad karma, and eventually seek to escape karma by turning over their free will.  This is an illusion - the only way to repay karmic dept is through good deeds.  By turning over your free will you do is make Yahweh stronger.  

There are different ways we turn over free will.  We become a slave to money, religion, politicians, or we become fundamentalists to some idea.  We make Yahweh powerful when we quit making decisions and quit thinking.  Furthermore, anything we put above humanity, such as the economy, being ‘right’, us vs. them, makes Yahweh more powerful because it increases the overall bad karma and fear held by humanity.  The easiest way to remove free will is through fear.  

Lucifer sacrificed his easy to take a chance at creating something special.  Earth is the only place like this.  This is why Earth is so special and the whole cosmos is watching.  What happens next is up to us.  


The Art of Defragging the Mind

The waking life is one of stimulation and action.  Our brain calculates organic equations with such ease that we don't even think about it.  The cerebrum is the thinking part of our brain, and it allows us to preform our everyday functions such as moving, remembering and thinking.  We are essentially thinking machines and we are very good at it.  But a problem arises when we need to rest but the brain wont slow down.

The mind may have trouble resting because thought stimulation is addictive.  The cerebrum is made to think, but it must be controlled or we will be controlled by runaway thought.  Many thoughts are ‘busy thoughts,' or ones that exist only for simulation.   We get 'worked up' when we are active and being social, and sometimes it is hard to come down from that.

The best way to counter rogue thoughts to relax the mind.  While we relax our brains defrag - the data is organized and we can better examine and make sense of our experiences.  During the day all kinds of thoughts mat cross the mind: different scenarios; remnants of the past; a repeating song; tomorrows agenda; our next purchase; inner dialogue.  It can be hard to turn off all this thinking.  But, when it is time, allow these busy thoughts to manifest, escape, and dissolve.  If we listen carefully to our individual silent center, all useless thought will vanish and we will be left with our higher self.  Only then can we effortlessly discover any solution and over come any self doubt.

Focus on releasing the mind.  Ignore the busy thoughts.  Come to peace and allow the mind to rest.  Like a moving car, you don’t want to stop it suddenly... but slowly.  The best solutions are always simple and fluid.

Let all mental stimulates go to space.  Feel the water settle.  Answers come from listening.