
Life as a Star

We are traveling SO fast! What used to take us a lifetime to deal with and overcome now takes us a matter of hours or days. Where are we going to end up? Beyond anything that we can imagine.

As long as we keep our egos in check we will advance. We KNOW what the correct, enlightened, answer is. Sometimes it is hard to accept and our egos may fight it, which always leads to misery. If people are aware of what is going on we can choose the easy path in which life will beautiful and beyond anything that would could possibly plan for.

As long as our *core* is strong we can navigate any reality. That's what a bad trip is - just being freaked out by a lack of control. It's the same attitude that causes suffering in this realm. Trust and love is what we are here to learn, and perhaps the same lesson is universal in different dimensions.

I can also imagine an place that only pure and complete souls can get to. We get there by navigating the dark path by using all the knowledge and confidence that we've allowed our hearts to receive. We have to confront our deepest and most primal fears and remain unfazed by them to ascend. At that point our energy is so sustainable that we become light beings. We become stars. We are Gods!

New Universe

(This is something that I wrote for one of my dads trips, but they ended up not using it, so why waste!)

These are the times of great ascension!  We are becoming of a higher vibration and consciousness and the world around us is changing.  We too are changing as we begin to witness major breakthroughs on a daily basis.

As our divine selves become more awakened we sometimes experience inner turmoil.  This is our ego and higher-self separating from each other.  Where the ego used to be the dominate force in humanity, now the divine-self has awakened and is leading the way, but the ego is still struggling to stay relevant.  This can cause inner conflict as we suffer from old habits and relationships that our ego says we must have, usually at any cost.  It is foolish to attempt to control the outside world.  The egos very realm is an illusion; the illusion that our 'belongings' and relationships define us.  Inside our mind is where our attention should be, as that is the only part of the universe that we can control.  We should become one with the flow of life and dance with the divine.

To allow a more positive life to manifest we can do certain things. First, we can realize that we, as individuals, are fragmented. What we perceive as 'you and me the individuals' is an illusion. We all come from the same source, and we all are one. Only in the fragmented condition do we think linear thoughts and react, instead of orchestrating life from our divine will.

What is the best way to experience this transformation? We must do what our egos could never do, which is letting go of control. We must trust absolutely in the flow of life and realize that each life event is an opportunity to grow. Naturally, the ego will attempt to make us doubt our higer selves, but deep down we all know what the divine choice is. This is the path of adventure! Enjoy your life as it becomes richer beyond anything that our egos could ever plan for.

Prayer and meditation are two actions that we can do everyday to become more receptive to the subtleties of life. With prayer we define what it is that our souls need for nourishment, and over time we will manifest it.  However, if we try to define what we need with our ego than we will eventually get what the soul needs, but we may not recognize it as to accept it and we may struggle. Pray from your heart and be truly open to the path forward, no matter what form it may take. You will know it when you feel it.

With meditation we quiet our minds and allow ourselves to become receptive to the universal answers. Answers come in many forms: an idea, inspiration for a project, a glimpse of a beautiful future. Clear the mind of all thought and remove intention. The these divine thoughts manifest, for they are subtil, fleeting, and pure joy. They are the present.

Let us embrace the next level of human consciousnesses with enthusiasm and joy! Be prepared to feel with love and playfulness