
Story of the Outlier

From time to time I get overwhelmed. This is easy to do in a world filled with so much beautiful information, but occasionally I have to step back. I love really diving in and experiencing something that resonates within me, however, I feel that I build up and build up and surround myself with all these beautiful ideas until I find that I have been building walls around me. Occasionally I must tear them down.  

Want to know true stability? Find the most important thing in life - the place where all other ideas and inspiration come from - and either remove it or imagine it removed. Does everything else collapse?  Identify the central things in life that you identify with: being in a certain role like a parent or in a particular relationship, having a certain car, being the best at something, being talented something, etc. What is the crux on which your universe spins? I have a friend who said that if it was proved that Jesus wasn’t resurrected then he would renounce Christianity.  That is a weak conviction if the entire spiritual structure of his reality could be renounced based off of one thing not being true.  Before there was even a problem in my past relationship, I imagined life without her because I wanted to be independent of my need for her. We eventually split up, but I didn't base my entire identity on her so I wasn’t completely lost and I didn’t have to restart my life.  
Life always has a way of finding the most important, central sacred thing or belief, and completely destroying it.  It is a catalyst for change.  Whatever ‘concrete’ thing that we define ourselves by will always be lost and you will be forced to become a new you.  Try not to place too much emphasis on one thing to define who you are. 

Another good exercise is to lay in bed and 'forget' what stage in life, or health, you are currently in. I have found myself in fear doing this because I forgot what my physical condition was and, at that moment, all possible versions of self were real. What if I really was old, and that my youth was only a dream. One day this will be my reality, and the sooner I accept and embrace the fear the less it will control me.

Each of our paths are unique. We should each behave in our own nature and not follow the unoriginality of the crowd. In doing so we lose our individuality, which in turn robs from the complex and miraculous tapestry of humanity. I have seen this occur in a spiritual context. It is possible to follow the crowd with ideas like the universal makeup of reality. Spirituality is a deeply personal journey that we are each individually on.  To follow others is a distraction and will slow the journey. Knowledge unravels itself in a very particular way so that we may best understand it. There will always be a need for advice and guidance, but following others without trusting your own divine instinct will not produce enlightenment.

The journey is about facing fear and giving up incomplete ideas in exchange for something that is more true. It’s about becoming a better person because you looked at yourself in the most honest light possible and embraced all of yourself. Occasionally you lose friends because your journey takes you away from their values. That is an acceptable, and sometimes necessary, occurrence on your journey. They are on their journey too. The journey is about burning down walls so something more beautiful can grow. The journey is about achieving True freedom within yourself.  


Imagine yourself without your friends, without your colorful cloths and the artifacts in your room.  Imagine that you are all alone with no physical scrap of identity left.  Who are you?  Would you hold on to what you have now and try to get it all back, or would you let it fall away?  Imagine that one pure idea, whatever your ‘Resurrection’ idea is, as being proved false.  What out of your current belief structure survives?  What is your core?  What would drive you to continue to live?  


Life as a Star

We are traveling SO fast! What used to take us a lifetime to deal with and overcome now takes us a matter of hours or days. Where are we going to end up? Beyond anything that we can imagine.

As long as we keep our egos in check we will advance. We KNOW what the correct, enlightened, answer is. Sometimes it is hard to accept and our egos may fight it, which always leads to misery. If people are aware of what is going on we can choose the easy path in which life will beautiful and beyond anything that would could possibly plan for.

As long as our *core* is strong we can navigate any reality. That's what a bad trip is - just being freaked out by a lack of control. It's the same attitude that causes suffering in this realm. Trust and love is what we are here to learn, and perhaps the same lesson is universal in different dimensions.

I can also imagine an place that only pure and complete souls can get to. We get there by navigating the dark path by using all the knowledge and confidence that we've allowed our hearts to receive. We have to confront our deepest and most primal fears and remain unfazed by them to ascend. At that point our energy is so sustainable that we become light beings. We become stars. We are Gods!

New Universe

(This is something that I wrote for one of my dads trips, but they ended up not using it, so why waste!)

These are the times of great ascension!  We are becoming of a higher vibration and consciousness and the world around us is changing.  We too are changing as we begin to witness major breakthroughs on a daily basis.

As our divine selves become more awakened we sometimes experience inner turmoil.  This is our ego and higher-self separating from each other.  Where the ego used to be the dominate force in humanity, now the divine-self has awakened and is leading the way, but the ego is still struggling to stay relevant.  This can cause inner conflict as we suffer from old habits and relationships that our ego says we must have, usually at any cost.  It is foolish to attempt to control the outside world.  The egos very realm is an illusion; the illusion that our 'belongings' and relationships define us.  Inside our mind is where our attention should be, as that is the only part of the universe that we can control.  We should become one with the flow of life and dance with the divine.

To allow a more positive life to manifest we can do certain things. First, we can realize that we, as individuals, are fragmented. What we perceive as 'you and me the individuals' is an illusion. We all come from the same source, and we all are one. Only in the fragmented condition do we think linear thoughts and react, instead of orchestrating life from our divine will.

What is the best way to experience this transformation? We must do what our egos could never do, which is letting go of control. We must trust absolutely in the flow of life and realize that each life event is an opportunity to grow. Naturally, the ego will attempt to make us doubt our higer selves, but deep down we all know what the divine choice is. This is the path of adventure! Enjoy your life as it becomes richer beyond anything that our egos could ever plan for.

Prayer and meditation are two actions that we can do everyday to become more receptive to the subtleties of life. With prayer we define what it is that our souls need for nourishment, and over time we will manifest it.  However, if we try to define what we need with our ego than we will eventually get what the soul needs, but we may not recognize it as to accept it and we may struggle. Pray from your heart and be truly open to the path forward, no matter what form it may take. You will know it when you feel it.

With meditation we quiet our minds and allow ourselves to become receptive to the universal answers. Answers come in many forms: an idea, inspiration for a project, a glimpse of a beautiful future. Clear the mind of all thought and remove intention. The these divine thoughts manifest, for they are subtil, fleeting, and pure joy. They are the present.

Let us embrace the next level of human consciousnesses with enthusiasm and joy! Be prepared to feel with love and playfulness


"You cannot make someone love you. You can only make yourself someone who can be loved"'
-  Unknown


Tibetan Book of The Dead - The Great Liberation

One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. If you have 45 minutes check this out.


"[...] Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. [...] the thought pierced him that in the end the shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." LOTR pg 901


"It is best to love first what you are fitted to love, I suppose; you must start somewhere and have some roots, and the soil of the Shire is deep.  Still there are things deeper and higher; and not a gaffer could tend his garden in what he calls peace but for them, whether he knows about them or not."  LOTR pg 852.


The Art of Still

Being left alone to think is a privilege.  

Lack of privacy leads to lack of contemplation which produces compulsive thought.  

Compulsive thought leads to wrong action.

Distractions create chaos.

Clear thoughts allow the easy path recognized.  

Breathe.  Listen to every moment.  Allow love resonate and expand over your mind and body.  

Be at peace.  Love yourself.  Everyone is a joy with in mind of humanity.  


Lucifer and Yahweh - The Struggle of Freewill

In this story, the truth about God and the devil is revealed.  

‘God’ in this story is the Christian god Yahweh.  He deceives.  His goal is to remove humanity's free will through fear.  He has no choice in the matter though, no free will, because his nature is fear.  Also, freewill leaves us open to irrational terror.   

Lucifer created something new in an experiment.  Lucifer is “the fallen angel” in the sense that he created something outside nature - freewill.  All other places in the universe, and all animals on Earth, don’t have freewill.   If the experiment works it means that humanity will can become greater than the angels, Lucifer, or Yahweh.  The reason being is that we are not ‘forced’ to love, but that we choose to.  

All humanity must do is retain their free will and exercises love.  

What Yahweh has created has to enslave man, such as religion.  Anything that takes away our choices is an agent of Yahweh.  Anything beautiful that man creates or does for himself can become twisted and corrupted by Yahweh, but only if it stands outside man.  We can’t look outside ourselves to find what we need; we must look inside for that will be true.  

Like all other beings, people have reincarnation.  But what is unique to humans is Karma.  If you have no choice then you have no karma.  Humans have a choice, hints karma, which is the price we pay for having control over our destiny.  Yahweh tricks people into making bad choices so they accumulate bad karma, and eventually seek to escape karma by turning over their free will.  This is an illusion - the only way to repay karmic dept is through good deeds.  By turning over your free will you do is make Yahweh stronger.  

There are different ways we turn over free will.  We become a slave to money, religion, politicians, or we become fundamentalists to some idea.  We make Yahweh powerful when we quit making decisions and quit thinking.  Furthermore, anything we put above humanity, such as the economy, being ‘right’, us vs. them, makes Yahweh more powerful because it increases the overall bad karma and fear held by humanity.  The easiest way to remove free will is through fear.  

Lucifer sacrificed his easy to take a chance at creating something special.  Earth is the only place like this.  This is why Earth is so special and the whole cosmos is watching.  What happens next is up to us.  


The Art of Defragging the Mind

The waking life is one of stimulation and action.  Our brain calculates organic equations with such ease that we don't even think about it.  The cerebrum is the thinking part of our brain, and it allows us to preform our everyday functions such as moving, remembering and thinking.  We are essentially thinking machines and we are very good at it.  But a problem arises when we need to rest but the brain wont slow down.

The mind may have trouble resting because thought stimulation is addictive.  The cerebrum is made to think, but it must be controlled or we will be controlled by runaway thought.  Many thoughts are ‘busy thoughts,' or ones that exist only for simulation.   We get 'worked up' when we are active and being social, and sometimes it is hard to come down from that.

The best way to counter rogue thoughts to relax the mind.  While we relax our brains defrag - the data is organized and we can better examine and make sense of our experiences.  During the day all kinds of thoughts mat cross the mind: different scenarios; remnants of the past; a repeating song; tomorrows agenda; our next purchase; inner dialogue.  It can be hard to turn off all this thinking.  But, when it is time, allow these busy thoughts to manifest, escape, and dissolve.  If we listen carefully to our individual silent center, all useless thought will vanish and we will be left with our higher self.  Only then can we effortlessly discover any solution and over come any self doubt.

Focus on releasing the mind.  Ignore the busy thoughts.  Come to peace and allow the mind to rest.  Like a moving car, you don’t want to stop it suddenly... but slowly.  The best solutions are always simple and fluid.

Let all mental stimulates go to space.  Feel the water settle.  Answers come from listening.


What is Reality? The True Power of Dreams

What are dreams? Why do we spend a third or more of our life dreaming? Why can’t we function without them?

Dreaming is essential to life. Like eating or breathing we simply must do it.  However, we know very little of what dreaming is or why we do it.  Physically we can probe the brain, such as neuron patterns and physical responses, but understanding our conscientiousness is out of the scientific grasp.

I read an interesting idea about dreaming: “How do we know the waking life is the aspect wen live for in life. Perhaps we live to dream.”  What if we are awake to only eat and to find shelter. What if sleep is what we live for?

I considered this thought.  Then, one night while on the cusp of sleep, I was struck with a thought – or rather a sensation: a 'pathway' coming from my mind to the universe.  On this pathway were my waking experiences. All the things I was exposed to during the day existed in a world beyond me.  It was like my dreams were feeding the universe.

How does something as intangible as dreams affect the physical realm?   My argument is they are equally as real, or not real, as each other.

When we observe the world around us we see solidness.  Our bodies appear solid - we can’t just walk through walls, we can hold a rock, a breeze goes around our bodies.   However, the closer you examine our world the more it is an illusion.  Atoms are 99.99+% empty space; therefore we are mostly empty space. “If you could take away the empty space then all the subatomic particles in all the six billion people on planet earth would pack into a volume only a little larger than a grain of rice.” One could say our physical reality is a dream – it is an idea of something that is not truly there.

So how can we be sure what we are living in is not a dream? If it is does that make the dreamer is God?

Martin Luther King Jr.'s most famous line is “I have a dream.”  His dream attracted the power of millions of people to help it come true.  It turns out MLK was a powerful dreamer.  What about other people who altered the course of history such as Jesus, Muhammad, Siddhartha, Gandhi, and the countless others whose influence is still felt today, were they powerful dreamers?  I, of course, think yes and I believe they pulled their dream into our shared reality.

Most people are weak dreamers.  There are many reasons for this; bad sleep patterns, a cluttered mind, drinking before bed, and electronic interference from the environment are among some reasons. However, sleep and dreams can be improved.  Lucid dreaming has always interested me, which is the art of controlling ones dreams.  I believe meditation is a form of lucid dreaming and is a good way to strengthen ones mind (both conscious and unconscious) to improve dreaming.   This is the first step – controlling ones dreams instead of being a passenger.   It is important because what if a strong dreamer can create a new reality, the same way we may exist in Gods’ dream which she created.

Most people’s dreams are like bubbles – look at it too hard and it will pop. However, a strong dream will survive and sustain itself, much like a fission reaction.

It makes sense that a powerful dreamer like Jesus can pull his dream into reality. He already moves in the perfect flow of life, so what if he can also control his dreams absolutely (that is, his dreams are sustainable). The next step is to not just communicate, but to share the experience of the dream with other people. The dream is now a collective dream and the people’s power feeds it. This is how one manifests a dream into reality.

We all have unique dreams.   We should all be creating new and sustainable realities all the time.   The key is to strengthen the individual mind.   Practice lucid dreaming.  Play with different levels of conscious in an attempt to control oneself.  Most importantly meditate.

Our universe is very much infinite – dreams creating dreams creating dreams.

Ronald Jenkees - Stay Crunchy

Anytime you are in a large crowd, that brief moment you scan a strangers face may be the only time you will ever see that person. However, those faces will become characters in your dreams.


Death and Rebirth: The 13th Hour

The number 13. The subject of so much suspision and controversy – and rightfully so. 13 is a powerful number, it’s the number of death and rebirth. Death is required for rebirth. When a tree falls and begins to decompose it becomes the host of new life. Death is essential; death is a service to all. However, every living thing is encoded to fight death. Humans, though, are the only ones with the means to truly hold on for longer. This is the wrong way to look at life and morality – in a way that suggests that when we die we are dead.

We can look at any living animal as a tool for spreading DNA. It is not our bodies that are important, it is carrying on the line of DNA. Each generation adds its own special mark, thus each generation is immortal and lives within you. In a very physical sense we are immortal. We are our children. Life goes in cycles, and for humans it is three cycles. In order they are childhood, adulthood, and the elderly years. With each cycle brings more understanding. As a child everything is new and our goal is to understand the physical world.

We have parents who understand, and they see us grow as they never understood themselves growing when they were young.

I am saddened at times because I will never know my girlfriend, who I love immensely, as a kid growing up. Then I remember and am reassured because when we have a child it will be like watching both of us grow up. That is the beauty of the cycles of life - we experience everything.

When finally we age and become old, we understand the wisdom that comes with it. I am still young, but I can imagine become old as both frustrating and satisfying. Frustrating because you aren’t as active anymore – it becomes hard to see and hear and to interact with the youths. It’s satisfying because you finally have understanding of the human condition and you see the cycle in its entirety. What happens after death is a great mystery, but with the knowledge that you played your part in life you can now trust that your part in death will be
equally as profound.

This is the 13th hour. The hour our egos fear but our spirit knows is unavoidable and in fact quite beautiful. It is when we give back.

How to Subdue the Human Soul

What we pay attention to is what we become. My real beef is with conspiracy theorists. Even if all the theories were true is it worth abandoning logic and becoming a paranoid, untrusting, bizarre person? Are you truly going to be happier in your life?

What I’m trying to describe is a very fine line. I’m not saying abandon descending arguments in favor of agreeable arguments – to just be around what you wish to hear. In fact, that’s one of the huge problems with the country right now: no one wants to hear the other side thus becoming more entranced in their own beliefs.

I’m advocating an open mind. I’ll listen to the conspiracy theories and make up my own mind that they are bullshit. Thank god my parents gave me a filter of logic. Who gives a fuck if Osama was killed in 2003? What does it matter? Believing that will make you a paranoid weirdo who I won’t want to be around. Do you really want to believe our own government was behind 9/11? Folks, you can’t have a government that is both so ineffective that it took almost 10 years to kill one man, and also have a government that is so efficient that no one has whistle blown on the "9/11 cover up". “But Ben they kill the whistleblowers.” Have fun walking down that paranoid path. What does it matter in the first place – you can’t change the past, you can’t prove or disprove definitively anything (which is exactly how conspiracy theories thrive in the first place). Thinking about this stuff is going to make you nuts and a worse person.

I’m advocating a positive mindset so we can deal with the real challenges of our future without being burdened by the past. No matter what answers we have for the conspiracy theorists they will never see past what they want to see, because they no longer use logic. It is very much a disease of the mind. Don’t let things you cant control take control of you.

"If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry." -Dalai Lama

We have free will. Do what you want, believe what you want. Just use logic. Not everyone is out to get you. Bad things do happen for no reason. Don’t let the bombers or governmental conspirators win even more than they have. Don’t become infected with that bullshit. Most people holding office are decent people. Trust in the goodness of humanity and others will follow. It will take only one moment to free the world from this turbulence that has plagued us. In that One moment people will decide to focus on what is truly important - and the only controllable thing - your inner self.